Friday, August 21, 2009

For My Precious Precious Grandchildren

For My Precious Precious Grandchildren

I should have started with this. Better late than never.

Yesterday I told Jim I had started a blog. He looked at me in a strange way and simply said, "WHY"
Why this blog? Simple -- it is for my grandchildren; Andrianna, Kirsten, Sophia and the two cutest twins you could ever ask for, Ian & Caleb. All five mean more to me than I can put into words. Love you all so very very much.

Each one is so previous and special in their own way.

Andiranna is going to be the historian & valedictorian of this family. That makes me feel good to know there is at least one person interested in all the work I have done. She is always asking me to tell her more about one of her grandparents and likes to look at the photos of them in those funny looking clothes. She loves to read and there's no spelling words around her anymore. She figures out the words we spell.

Kirsten, so fun and full of energy; she loves singing and dancing, whose knows she just be on on the stage one day. She can be so quite and serious and then the next thing you know she is humming & singing a song and dancing. Kirsten she will eat just about anything. She asks if she can try it. Not us asking her to try it. One day while she was here she asked me, Nanna you have any pickles? She wanted a snack.

Sophia, my little tomboy, well we are doing our best to turn her into one; she's going to be the comedian of the family for sure. There isn't a day when she is here that she doesn't make me laugh. But yet she's so sensitive and emotional. She absolutely loves her sister and tries to do everything she does. Sophia is so full of words and thoughts, so many words and not enough time to tell you all she has to say. Ever drive for 30 minutes with a child in the back seat who didn't stop talking for even a minute? She had a lot to tell me and I learned so much that day.

Ian and Caleb a perfect pair but yet so different. Ian is the strong willed and always has a grin on his face, unless he doesn't feel good. He does everything in 4th gear. He is so full of mischievousness and gets this look on his face that you just know trouble is his next stop. Caleb is the thinker. He has to think a little about doing it before jumping in. Ian just jumps in and does it. One of these days though Caleb is going to realize he is bigger than his brother ..... you better watch out Ian. Caleb has this shy way of looking at you, puts his head down a little and looks up at you with those big blue eyes and this soft little smile without moving his head. Just melts your heart right away.

Yes, they will have their family tree that I have done for them but this will be a bit more fun to read and more interesting, at least I hope it is.

These are my memories of events and those who touched my life in the past and in the future. They are things that helped make me who I am today.

1 comment:

  1. that is the sweetest thing ever. I cried just reading it. When the girls are older that will be one of the best things for them to read. Love ya Mom
